the girl you've met

I'm a relatively good girl. I turn nineteen on 11/12. I wanna travel over the globe. I need my life to be more interesting.

twitter updates

heartbreaks & gdbyes

stucked like glue

SHINee - Ring Ding Dong
F.T Island - Love is
SS501 - Love Like This
DBSK - Love in the Ice
DBSK - Picture of You
SMTown - Seaside
f(x) - Chu

I made this video playlist at

MyType Personality on FB
Friday, July 31, 2009
INFP Healer
Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving

Quiet, reflective, and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick, and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people.


As an INFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your personal value system. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in primarily via your intuition.

INFPs, more than other iNtuitive Feeling types, are focused on making the world a better place for people. Their primary goal is to find out their meaning in life. What is their purpose? How can they best serve humanity in their lives? They are idealists and perfectionists, who drive themselves hard in their quest for achieving the goals they have identified for themselves

INFPs are highly intuitive about people. They rely heavily on their intuitions to guide them, and use their discoveries to constantly search for value in life. They are on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through the INFP's value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help the INFP define or refine their own path in life. The goal at the end of the path is always the same - the INFP is driven to help people and make the world a better place.

Generally thoughtful and considerate, INFPs are good listeners and put people at ease. Although they may be reserved in expressing emotion, they have a very deep well of caring and are genuinely interested in understanding people. This sincerity is sensed by others, making the INFP a valued friend and confidante. An INFP can be quite warm with people he or she knows well.

INFPs do not like conflict, and go to great lengths to avoid it. If they must face it, they will always approach it from the perspective of their feelings. In conflict situations, INFPs place little importance on who is right and who is wrong. They focus on the way that the conflict makes them feel, and indeed don't really care whether or not they're right. They don't want to feel badly. This trait sometimes makes them appear irrational and illogical in conflict situations. On the other hand, INFPs make very good mediators, and are typically good at solving other people's conflicts, because they intuitively understand people's perspectives and feelings, and genuinely want to help them.

INFPs are flexible and laid-back, until one of their values is violated. In the face of their value system being threatened, INFPs can become aggressive defenders, fighting passionately for their cause. When an INFP has adopted a project or job which they're interested in, it usually becomes a "cause" for them. Although they are not detail-oriented individuals, they will cover every possible detail with determination and vigor when working for their "cause".

When it comes to the mundane details of life maintenance, INFPs are typically completely unaware of such things. They might go for long periods without noticing a stain on the carpet, but carefully and meticulously brush a speck of dust off of their project booklet.

INFPs do not like to deal with hard facts and logic. Their focus on their feelings and the Human Condition makes it difficult for them to deal with impersonal judgment. They don't understand or believe in the validity of impersonal judgment, which makes them naturally rather ineffective at using it. Most INFPs will avoid impersonal analysis, although some have developed this ability and are able to be quite logical. Under stress, it's not uncommon for INFPs to mis-use hard logic in the heat of anger, throwing out fact after (often inaccurate) fact in an emotional outburst.

INFPs have very high standards and are perfectionists. Consequently, they are usually hard on themselves, and don't give themselves enough credit. INFPs may have problems working on a project in a group, because their standards are likely to be higher than other members' of the group. In group situations, they may have a "control" problem. The INFP needs to work on balancing their high ideals with the requirements of every day living. Without resolving this conflict, they will never be happy with themselves, and they may become confused and paralyzed about what to do with their lives.

INFPs are usually talented writers. They may be awkard and uncomfortable with expressing themselves verbally, but have a wonderful ability to define and express what they're feeling on paper. INFPs also appear frequently in social service professions, such as counselling or teaching. They are at their best in situations where they're working towards the public good, and in which they don't need to use hard logic.

INFPs who function in their well-developed sides can accomplish great and wonderful things, which they will rarely give themselves credit for. Some of the great, humanistic catalysts in the world have been INFPs.

(So far so true man! Those in bold are really really really true.)


INFPs present a calm, pleasant face to the world. They appear to be tranquil and peaceful to others, with simple desires. In fact, the INFP internally feels his or her life intensely. In the relationship arena, this causes them to have a very deep capacity for love and caring which is not frequently found with such intensity in the other types. The INFP does not devote their intense feelings towards just anyone, and are relatively reserved about expressing their inner-most feelings. They reserve their deepest love and caring for a select few who are closest to them. INFPs are generally laid-back, supportive and nurturing in their close relationships. With Introverted Feeling dominating their personality, they're very sensitive and in-tune with people's feelings, and feel genuine concern and caring for others. Slow to trust others and cautious in the beginning of a relationship, an INFP will be fiercely loyal once they are committed. With their strong inner core of values, they are intense individuals who value depth and authenticity in their relationships, and hold those who understand and accept the INFP's perspectives in especially high regard. INFPs are usually adaptable and congenial, unless one of their ruling principles has been violated, in which case they stop adapting and become staunch defenders of their values. They will be uncharacteristically harsh and rigid in such a situation.

INFP Strengths

● Warmly concerned and caring towards others

● Sensitive and perceptive about what others are feeling

Loyal and committed - they want lifelong relationships

● Deep capacity for love and caring

Driven to meet other's needs

● Strive for "win-win" situations

Nurturing, supportive and encouraging

Likely to recognize and appreciate other's need for space

● Able to express themselves well

Flexible and diverse

INFP Weaknesses

● May tend to be shy and reserved

Don't like to have their "space" invaded

Extreme dislike of conflict

Extreme dislike of criticism

Strong need to receive praise and positive affirmation

May react very emotionally to stressful situations

Have difficulty leaving a bad relationship

Have difficulty scolding or punishing others

Tend to be reserved about expressing their feelings

● Perfectionist tendencies may cause them to not give themselves enough credit

Tendency to blame themselves for problems, and hold everything on their own shoulders

INFPs as Lovers

INFPs feel tremendous loyalty and commitment to their relationships. With the Feeling preference dominating their personality, harmony and warm feelings are central to the INFP's being. They feel a need to be in a committed, loving relationship. If they are not involved in such a relationship, the INFP will be either actively searching for one, or creating one in their own minds.

INFPs tendency to be idealistic and romantically-minded may cause them to fantasize frequently about a "more perfect" relationship or situation. They may also romanticize their mates into having qualities which they do not actually possess. Most INFPs have a problem with reconciling their highly idealistic and romantic views of life with the reality of their own lives, and so they are constantly somewhat unsettled with themselves and with their close personal relationships. However, the INFP's deeply-felt, sincere love for their mates and their intense dislike of conflict keeps the INFP loyal to their relationships, in spite of their troubles achieving peace of mind.

Unlike other types who tend to hold their mates up on a pedestal, the INFP's tendency to do so does not really turn into a negative thing in the relationship. INFPs hold tightly to their ideals, and work hard at constantly seeing their mates up on that pedestal. The frequent INFP result is a strongly affirming, proud and affectionate attitude towards their mates which stands the test of time.

INFPs are not naturally interested in administrative matters such as bill-paying and house-cleaning, but they can be very good at performing these tasks when they must. They can be really good money managers when they apply themselves.

Sexually, the INFP is likely to be initially slow to open up to their mates. Once their trust has been earned, the INFP will view sexual intimacy as an opportunity for expressing their deep-seated love and affection. More than the actual sexual act, they will value giving and receiving love and sweet words. With their tendency to enjoy serving others, they may value their mate's satisfaction above their own.

One real problem area for the INFP is their intensive dislike of conflict and criticism. The INFP is quick to find a personal angle in any critical comment, whether or not anything personal was intended. They will tend to take any sort of criticism as a personal attack on their character, and will usually become irrational and emotional in such situations. This can be a real problem for INFPs who are involved with persons who have Thinking and Judging preferences. TJs relate to others with an objective, decisive attitude that frequently shows an opinion on the topic of conversation. If the opinion is negative, the TJ's attitude may be threatening to the INFP, who will tend to respond emotionally to the negativity and be vaguely but emphatically convinced that the negativity is somehow the INFP's fault.

For INFPs with extremely dominant Feeling preferences who have not developed their Intuitive sides sufficiently to gather good data for their decision making processes, their dislike of conflict and criticism can foretell doom and gloom for intimate relationships. These INFPs will react with extreme emotional distress to conflict situations, and will not know what to do about it. Since they will have no basis for determining what action to take, they will do whatever they can to get rid of the conflict - which frequently means lashing out irrationally at others, or using guilt manipulation to get their mates to give them the positive support that they crave. This kind of behavior does not bode well for healthy, long-term relationships. Individuals who recognize this tendency in themselves should work on their ability to take criticism objectively rather than personally. They should also try to remember that conflict situations are not always their fault, and they're definitely not the end of the world. Conflict is a fact of life, and facing it and addressing it immediately avoids having to deal with it in the future, after it has become a much larger problem.

INFPs are very aware of their own space, and the space of others. They value their personal space, and the freedom to do their own thing. They will cherish the mate who sees the INFP for who they are, and respects their unique style and perspectives. The INFP is not likely to be overly jealous or possessive, and is likely to respect their mate's privacy and independence. In fact, the INFP is likely to not only respect their mate's perspectives and goals, but to support them with loyal firmness.

In general, INFPs are warmly affirming and loving partners who make the health of their relationships central in their lives. Although cautious in the beginning, they become firmly loyal to their committed relationships, which are likely to last a lifetime. They take their relationships very seriously, and will put forth a great deal of effort into making them work.

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, INFP's natural partner is the ENFJ, or the ESFJ. INFP's dominant function of Introverted Feeling is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling. The INFP/ENFJ combination is ideal, because it shares the Intuitive way of perceiving, but the INFP/ESFJ combination is also a good match.

(Super true can. This test is awesome!)

INFPs as Parents

INFPs are "natural" parents. They accept and enjoy the parental role, seeing it as the natural extension of their value systems. They make use of the parental role for developing and defining their values further, and consider it their task to pass their values on to their children. They take their role quite seriously. Warm, affirming, and flexible, the INFP generally makes a gentle and easy-going parent in many respects.

INFPs do not like conflict situations, and will keep themselves flexible and diverse to promote a positive, conflict-free environment in their home. The INFP is not naturally prone to dole out punishment or discipline, and so is likely to adapt to their mate's disciplinary policy, or to rely on their mates to administer discipline with the children. In the absence of a mating parent, the INFP will need to make a conscious effort of creating a structure for their children to live within. Although the INFP dislikes punishing others, they hold strong values and will not tolerate the violation of a strongly-held belief. If they feel that their child has truly committed a wrong, the INFP parent will not have a problem administering discipline. They will directly confront the child, stubbornly digging in their heels and demanding recourse.

The INFP parent is likely to value their children as individuals, and to give them room for growth. They will let the children have their own voice and place in the family. Extremely loving and devoted parents, INFPs will fiercely protect and support their children. If there is an issue involving "taking sides", you can bet the INFP will always be loyal to their children. INFPs are usually remembered by their children as loving, patient, devoted, and flexible parents.

INFPs as Friends

INFPs are warm and caring individuals who highly value authenticity and depth in their personal relationships. They are usually quite perceptive about other people's feelings and motives, and are consequently able to get along with all sorts of different people. However, the INFP will keep their true selves reserved from others except for a select few, with whom they will form close and lasting friendships. With their high ideals, they are likely to be drawn to other iNtuitive Feelers for their closer friendships.

With their strong need for harmony and dislike of conflict, INFPs may feel threatened by people with strong Judging and Thinking preferences. Although they're likely to be able to work well professionally with such individuals, they may have difficulty accepting or appreciating them on a personal level. They generally feel a kinship and affinity with other Feeling types.

Content above copyright of BSM Consulting,

This is Total Awesomeness!!!

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Sentimental much.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hi all here's a good news. I fell down (again) -rolls eyes-

...Sigh. This year is clearly not my year, with all the falling-downs, falling-sick and etc... Can't help but to think i'm getting old on age already huh. F*cked, i'm not even 19 and my body & mind are failing me. So great the previous time i got my right feet swollen this time it's my left! I'm glad i only have 2 foots if not i wonder how many times i'm gonna experience this.

So because of this i had to cancel driving (again - the previous time was due to the 1 week mc) cuz my foot don't even have the strength to step down fully. I feel so bad. The instructor must be thinking "What's with this student she wanna learn or not one, keep on dua me" Seems like i have no fate in touching the steering wheel.

Reached home and Dad startled me by saying,

Dad: Eh Jojo tan
Me: Ya? (thinking that im gonna get a scolding for getting back home late with a swollen foot)
Dad: We need to go run already
Me: o.o?!
Dad: We need to improve our immune system. Shit man do you know, there's a new virus called H3N2?
Me: Huh really meh what the hell is that?
Dad: H1N1's brother la. Cases reported in HK already. If you tio the two brothers at the same time, confirm die. Sian la why nowadays so many viruses hai it's really the end of the world.

You know, Dad has never believed in me when i told him 2012 was the end of the world. When i told him i read from the net somewhere some prophets say that a deadly virus will kill half of the population on Earth. And that the rest will die under the scorching hot sun by dehydration, burning into steam.

Hmm which way would you choose to die? Well i'll choose neither. I'll get myself dead before those even happen, probably jump off Singapore Flyer shouting "I'M ON THE TOP OF THE WORLD!"
Okay i'm just joking.

But the term 'end of the world' seems so far but yet like, so near. You know, it's something you can't help but to think about it and it's such a hot topic, isn't it. You can't help but to think, if this damned world really ended at 22 Dec 2012 (Thank god it's past my bday and i'm 21) what would you wanna do now before the world ends?

For me, i would drop my intentions of taking a part-time University course and head on straight to get my pet grooming cert, open a shop, earn money, get my Yorkie, get my Mini Cooper, and travel around the world. Hey, i wanna go to Rome before i die okay? Or maybe i can die there i don't mind isn't Rome the closest place on Earth to God? Well or maybe Jerusalem. But anyway who cares we are all gonna die no matter where you are maybe if the UN & ASEAN recognizes the end-of-the-world threat maybe traveling overseas would be made free for everyone to visit each part of the Earth before we crumble along with it. Then maybe we'll see Adam and Eve again i guess rebuilding the Earth so the whole vicious cycle goes round again.

God this is bad. I have so many things i want to fulfill but if the world really ends then, i won't get the chance.

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Quizzes that speak the truth
Monday, July 27, 2009
Joleneruth - Girl-next-door: Innocent Giving Loving Spontaneous (CGLP)

You are loving, hopeful, and open. You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a stressful, but exhilarating romantic life. You are a genuinely sweet and sincere person, so it's likely that your relationships will be happy ones. You've had a fair amount of love experience, and there'll be much more to come.

Of all female types, you are the most likely to develop sudden, maddening crushes. You're especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Passion like this makes for an intense existence, though it can also sometimes lead to letdowns.

You'll be happiest with someone who shares your generosity and optimism toward life. Your ideal match is someone who'll love you back with equal fire, and someone you've grown to love slowly.

Took this quiz from FB &
I find every single part of it so trueeeeeee lol!

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Female power
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wa, Emma Watson is hot stuff.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009
So tell me

Does it make you feel better if you vent it out on me?

If it does,
then by all means.

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Get it right man blogger
Friday, July 24, 2009
Something is wrong with blogger, as usual. Blogger kinda sucks omg i miss livejournal.

Anyway, been long since i've posted!

Last Saturday went to Marina Barrage for picnic with band&gang, Sunday went for Family Photoshoot!

It was a great experience seriously, filled with fun and laughters. Watching how Sis posed for the camera taking some really cool shots, then my turn to try for some cool shots, then saw how stiff Dad was when taking the photo, how Mum posed naturally well in front of the camera, how the photographer coordinated with us so well, how he taught us to pose so well like some model, how he always say "HAAAAAPPY SMILE!" before he press the shutter hahahaha

It was fun if i had the money (im saying this because we spent 1k) i would go there again to take many many photoshoots. Nice environment, nice staff, nice photographer -thumbs up-
-> The Makeover Inc at Concorde Hotel Level 3 lobby! :D

I'm only getting the album and some soft copy photos on 16 August so i'll patiently wait till then cos there's some really nice photos taken :3

On a side note, PROJECTS ARE OVER I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY but that means exams are coming soon and i swore to start studying next week which i hope i really will. 5 papers, gonna be tough.

Continuing on, i had a one-of-a-kind experience yesterday hehe. Then today met baby's mum for dinner and i'm glad it went well (:

Also, i'm reaaaally glad we sorted out things and i'm 1924638462734 times as glad we are back to what we used to be, <3

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too good to be true
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It's been a rough week. My mood hasn't been good (obviously), i shouldn't be like this. Wonder what came over me i wasn't thinking properly...

But nevertheless, you were there for me.

You held me through the darkest nights
And showed me things in a different light
You listen to me when i'm depressed
But it doesn't seem to make you like me less

Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words tonight:
Thank you for loving me

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31 days!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Happy 1st Dumb pig ^^


I am not quarantined actually i just have one week mc to slack around hee hee. Anyway doctor said if by Wednesday i dont have fever i'm free to roam. Yeah yeah yeah alright~ My fever stopped since Monday though, shouldn't have went to TTS and get myself all worried plus get myself stuffed with 8 medications. -.- it's alot, my tummy is filled with water.

Anyway i think im gonna be fine i have my days planned already :3 Tmr night dinner with Louisa Foong (finallllly), Thurs imma go school for lectures because i have skipped lectures for 3 weeks already and then music lessons after that, Friday i think i dont have plans but i think i have just that i cant remember it for now, Saturday is picnic day with the band omfg how can i miss it right? Sunday is family photoshoot but looks like it's gonna be postponed cos Mum and Dad is waaaay sicker than i am now.


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try to fit me in your perfect box
Monday, July 13, 2009
If there's a dark side of you I haven't seen it
Every good thing you do feels like you mean it

45mins more. But things aint going well.
As much as i miss you,
As much as i want to stay up till the clock strikes twelve,
Maybe i shouldn't cus it wont make any difference, i guess

Just go ahead and cry.

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I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but i'm blog hopping and staring at the screen, blankly. Being affected by some shit stuff again which i shouldn't be caring but, damnit. Having high fever, wento TTS hospital, got quarantined and now i have to fucking stay home for a week. Like fuck, that's gonna bore me like crazy. I have to admit my mood is not that great right now i could swear at every lil thing. Blogger is being such a fucker because it is not processing my post.

Aiya maybe i should just give in to the pig flu bug

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just go ahead and cry
Saturday, July 11, 2009
What is this i'm feeling right now.

i've gotta get rid of this feeling if not it'll affect my performance later on. it shall be a perfect one i demand it to be but what is this what is this that i'm feeling... i can't put it in words, i can't find the right words to say. perhaps it's all that damn lil brain of mine acting weirdly. y'know, i can't help but to think of all the what-ifs. what if ..... and what if ..... what if .....? and what if ......

you see, i told you i can't put it in words :\

Ahhhhtothehellwiththis i should just eat some muscle relaxant pills lying in that corner of my fridge to help me take my mind of this.

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Bored out of my brains
ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE: Nonononono
B - BIRTHDAY: 11th dec
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: My darling sister
W - WORST HABIT: Impatient!!
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Spinal cord
Y – YOYOS IS: out of fashion already
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius

Random Questions About You:
What color do you wear most?: White.
What are you listening to?: Boyfriend - SNSD
Are you happy with your life right now?: Satisfied (:
Favorite pair of shoes?: My silver heels bought with Bff :3
Where do you wish you were right now: Somewhere holidaying

Can you dance? : Think so? -.-
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: No :\
Can you whistle? : ......zzz n.o.
Write with both hands?: Duuuuhh
Walk with your toes curled?: wtf thats gonna hurt?

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yeahh!! i wanna meet aliens
Do you believe in miracles? : Yeah, saw them happen
Do you believe in magic?: MAGIC IS FAKE f3
Love at first sight?: Definitely.
Do you think there's a Satan?: Yeah >:)
Do you believe in Santa?: No he haven't give me presents yet
Do you know how to swim?: Of cuzzzz
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: You mean those, cockroach worms etc.... No way over my dead body

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yeah it always get my ears blocked!
Have you ever asked someone out?: I think so
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Uh huh.
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Love it :D
Have you ever painted your nails?: Yeah -.-

What is the temperature outside?: now? 31-33? Humid
What radio station do you listen to?: I dont listen to radio, lol!
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Havent eat for today ):
What was the last thing you bought?: CLOTHES ^^
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Lets see, Ray?

Ever really cried your heart out?: Yeah......
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah...
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Hmmm not that i rmb of
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Tsk duh right
Do you cry when you get an injury?: Uh duh when it hurts like shit
Do certain songs make you cry?: Yeaaaa im an emotional person lmao

Are you a happy person?: i guess so :D
What can make you happy?: Many many many things even the slightest stuffs.
Do you wish you were happier?: Yeah but we all know life cannot be perfect
Can music make you happy?: Music is my life :3

How many times have you had your heart broken?: Lol, 2-3 i guess
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: I guess, but it's a stupid thing to do so

What is your current hair color?: black lor
Current piercings?: 3
Have any tattoos?: No but i might get one :3
Eye color: Hazel? ~~~~~~~~~

Favorite eye color: Green~
Height: 165165165165
Best clothing: Anything hawt

Been to jail: NO im studious
Mooned someone: huh???
Thrown up in a store: i seldom vomit >:)
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: I always do stupid things hee hee
Gone skinny dipping: Yuck never

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Mac's grilled chicken foldover (extinct alrdy ba), BK's mushroom swiss!!!!!
Single or Group Dates: Both's nice (:
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies: Both's alright (:
TV or Movie: Mooooovie
Guitar or Drums?: DUH, GUITAR

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1 more to go
Friday, July 10, 2009
Was surfing facebook and saw this interesting and cute banner lololol

Wonder why is Amos Yeo awesome lorrr that is so not true!
Koko my baby is a genius in being abusive and she's my master for this aspect >:)
Why is Rica stupid lol! She is only blur not stupid.
Look at Ben's, 'idiot' LMAAAAAO

Hehehe ok random. Going to shop with Sis at Bugis later on
Wheeeeeeee my mood is good today because there's only ONE FUCKING PROJECT LEFT MUAHAHAHAHA >:)

Oh, did i mention i passed my FTT?

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too lil time
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It looks soooo much like a cigarette box and a doughnut :\

Speaking of which,
God please bless me grant me all your wisdom for my FTT tomorrow.

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dont wanna miss a thing
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Somehow, some things are changing
Or is it just me?
Maybe it's just me.

Sigh, my lungs are failing me...................

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Genie - snsd
Friday, July 3, 2009
So hooked to this song. Trying to learn the dance with sis like how we did for Gee lol xD

Tell Me Your Wish (Genie) -
(English Translation)

turn it up, just turn it up
that's right, c'mon

tell me your wish.
tell me the little dreams in your heart
draw the ideal woman in your head
and look at me
i'm your genie, your dream, your genie

ride your dream car and race along
sit next to me
throw your everything into my enticement
even if your heart bursts and flies in the wind
in this moment, the world is yours

that's right, i love you. i always believe in you.
dreams and passions, i want to give them all to you
i'm a good luck goddess that wants (wants) to make your wish come true
tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your dream)
tell only me (i'm genie for your world)

tell me your wish
aren't you tired of boring days
are you buried in ordinary life
now stop and wake up
you're my superstar, shining star, superstar

to the trembling that's like the sound of a heart,
to the harley, entrust your body
now this world is a stage for just you
a wave like the sound of cheering
in my heart, i can feel your body heat
i'm your path, your biggest fan forever

that's right, i love you. i always believe in you.
dreams and passions, i want to give them all to you
i'm a good luck goddess that wants (wants) to make your wish come true
tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your dream)
tell only me (i'm genie for your world)
tell me your wish

DJ, put it back on

that's right, i love you. i always believe in you.
dreams and passions, i want to give them all to you
i'm a good luck goddess that wants (wants) to make your wish come true
tell me your wish

i love you, you're my music
i love you, you're my happiness
i love you, i want to be your goodluck charm
(tell me all of your fantasies without hiding anything
i'm a genie, i'll show you the way
tell me all of your wishes without hiding anything
your genie, i'll listen to them all)

tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your dream)
tell only me (i'm genie for your world)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)

tell me your wish

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My boo
Thursday, July 2, 2009

I have decided not to be lazy and upload photos through photobucket then here again. Ley cheh man!

Visited Ray yesterday and boy he is so damn cute la omg.

Big boy Dad Capazo

Then went to meet baby today supposed to bring Christy for a walk @ Botanical gardens but but but but the plan was ruined cos it kept raining ): Nevertheless me the great cooked lunch and it's damn nice i tell you hehehe my katsu curry rice :3

Looks appetizing? :D

After the rain stopped we brought her down to the park (:









Ahhhhh Christy is so damn cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee







♥ (:

I'll be there for you whenever you need me to.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Damn blogger is making me pissed i have like tons of photos to upload but they just wont allow me damn it.


Fine nvm i shall just upload a video to sum up our first performance as a band and hahahha pardon us ah first time so we are all nervous like shit and rooted to the ground.

Enjoy ><


Yesterday was Mum's bday :D

Had dinner together with her, dad, sis, aunt and... my boy heh. He bought flowers for mum and i think that delighted her dad was like "wa even i also dont give her flowers one". lmao. I think dad loves him and it's like they have so much in common lol all the not so good things in fact -.- but anyway i guess yesterday was the worse meal of his life eating not in peace hahahaha but it's okay you made it through ya, you passed! ahahaha.

The pig came over today again to bring me to the doc and hahaha i think i'm seriously ill i'm diagnosed with asthma and it's not a good thing cos it gets damn bad at night i can't breathe i can't sleep i can only wait for it to fade away i don't like that feeling it sucks sooo badly to be sick sigh. I guess i'll need an inhaler soon, but i'll make do with my own special inhaler for now (:

Cooked Jap curry for the whole family today and walao it's nice ley! ....... REALLY LA. i'm gonna cook it again ^^ any takers?

P.s. I need to take good care of myself if not i'll die early T-T

P.p.s I cant wait for your haircut LOL

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When we are twenty-one

Been long since i have a proper blog post i have loads to say but it all depends if blogger is cooperating with me! Seems like i can't upload photos for the past few days of trying i shall try it now.


Wtf i still cant upload!

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